Petaluma Streets: Murals

On Petaluma’s streets you’ll find a wide variety of murals. Some depict Petaluma’s history such as the mural by Steve della Maggiora at the corner of Petaluma Blvd. N. and Washington Street. This beautiful mural depicts the history of Petaluma from the days before Vallejo arrived up to Petaluma’s hey day as the egg capital of the world.

Some murals have a social message such as the murals of working people along American Alley while some murals are abstract art such as the mural on the wall of the Phoenix theater on Keller St.

Seeing eye-to-eye

One advantage of photographing with a drone is the perspective a drone gives you. Instead of looking up to photograph objects above your head, you can look the object right in the eye and photograph it on its level.


della Maggiora mural detail: Mariano Vallejo

della Maggiora Mural detail: Mariano Vallejo

American Alley Workers' Murals: Hard Hat

American Alley Workers’ Murals: Hard Hat

American Alley Murals: Migra

American Alley Murals: Migra

American Alley Workers' Murals: Production

American Alley Workers’ Murals: Production


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