I watched an interesting program on CNN today. Its focus was the growing crisis Mexico faces as drug cartels destabilize the country. An unstable Mexico is not good news for America. The drug cartels are not just a Mexican problem! If the situation continues to deteriorate, we may have to send troops to the border with Mexico to prevent the violence from spilling over onto American soil. Border wars anyone?

The problems America and Mexico face from drug cartels are caused by Americans buying Mexican drugs. If Americans stop buying drugs made in Mexico, the cartels would not have the money needed to fund their operations and I suspect the problems would just disappear.

Whether it’s driving at gas-guzzling speeds or pouring water unused down the drain, many of the environmental, economic and international (did you know that China holds $1,000,000,000,000 in American Treasury bonds) problems we face as a nation are either caused by or exacerbated by our own actions.

Why are we doing this to ourselves and, more importantly, how do we stop engaging in self-destructive behavior?

Thanks to Walt Kelly and Pogo.

Tomorrow: There are no lifeboats!

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