The present economic downturn has an emotional side to it that has taken on a life of its own. People are afraid. Their fear causes “things” to get bad which causes people to be afraid which causes things-

Large numbers of Americans have lost a sense of control of their lives. We fear that which we can not control. Many have lost the sense they can make a difference. The problems we face seem too big for any one to make a difference; we feel like tiny drops in an endless ocean.

In an age of multinational corporations and politics as usual, it isn’t easy for one person to make a difference. As a result, large numbers of Americans have lost faith in the system. Large numbers wander from day to day, frozen by fear of an oncoming disaster, hoping government will solve their problems while they wait for Godot.

I believe one person’s actions can make a difference. When one person joins her or his actions with similar actions of others, no matter how insignificant an action may seem, one small action can make a difference. When enough people join together for a common cause, there are enough actions, however small, to create a tipping point, making the impossible happen.

Americans are looking for a leader but not a political leader. Americans are looking for someone they can believe in, someone to take their fear away, for someone to lead us out of the desert and into the Promised Land. Perhaps we are looking more for a Moses than a Lincoln.

When the Israelites followed Moses out of Egypt, they left behind the comfort of their homes and risked their lives in unknown lands. What are we as a nation willing to do to make it to the Promised Land? Will we learn we won’t make it there sitting in front of the TV? What changes will we make in our daily habits? What are we willing to sacrifice? What small actions will we take in union with others?

There is much we can do and much America will do if we have the courage and will to change a few habits, to take a few actions.

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