I’m looking for suggestions for actions people can take that will have a positive impact in any area that’s important to them from their neighborhood, to the city in which they live to the entire planet. I have a particular kind of suggestion in mind. I am looking for suggestions that meet the following criteria:

1. The suggested action has to be something that almost anyone can take.
2. The action taken has to cost little or no money at all.
3. The action has to have a positive impact on the world around the person who is taking the action.

It doesn’t matter how small an effect the action may have; even a baby step in what most people consider to be the right direction counts.

Here are three examples of what I have in mind:

1. Drive the speed limit. It doesn’t matter what you drive; whether it’s a Hummer or a hybrid, everyone can drive the speed limit and doing so will have a beneficial effect on the world around us.

2. Make an extra special effort to conserve water. For suggestions on how to conserve water in ways that almost anyone can do and that don’t cost anything, see my blog of February 26.

3. Convince someone to take actions 1 or 2 (or both).

Can you suggest an action? If so, please post a comment. I’d love to hear from you.

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