I was asked recently to share my thoughts on how to keep love
alive or my secrets for a happy relationship and what it takes to maintain a good relationship. Here is what I came up with:

There are three things I believe that are important to maintaining a good relationship: listening, not taking her for granted and doing little things.

Listening to your love can make all the difference in the world in how she is feeling and how she feels towards you. There will be times when she has something inside that she wants to discuss and all she wants is a chance to speak what is on her mind. She isn’t looking for an answer or a solution; she just wants to express her feelings and thoughts. She wants to know you care enough about her to stop what you are doing and listen. I can’t think of a better way to show your woman how much you love her or how much you care than to simply listen to her when she has something to say.

It is all too easy to get caught up in pressing, day-to-day affairs and focus all your attention on the immediate needs of the moment. When this happens, more important but less pressing things get pushed aside to the “tomorrow” list. Sadly the “tomorrow’ list often includes spending time with the one you love because you expect she will be there tomorrow. Unfortunately the pressing items will always be there but the one you love won’t. We know not when our time together will end. Don’t take her love or her presence in your life for granted. She is special; treat her that way.

Do the little things that bring her happiness: bring her flowers for no reason; open the door for her, stop what you are doing and greet her when she enters the room, compliment her on the way she looks, show your appreciation for all the things she does for you, shower her with hugs and kisses regularly- She is special; treat her that way!

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